PR for the People Spotlight: Joanna Cayanan for United States of Asian America Festival 2024

This is a series of interviews with participants in PapaLoDown’s ‘PR for the People workshop’. Hear first hand from amazing people and organizations, who are learning how to amplify and document their stories in the news, grow their visibility and attract new opportunities.

Photo of Joanna Cayanan, PR/Marketing for United States of Asian America 2024 season.

What is your background and experience?
My name is Joanna Cayanan, and I graduated from Sacramento State with a major in Public Relations and a minor in Marketing. I was recently hired by the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center to implement the PR and marketing for their annual United States of Asian America Festival this past year.

My other work experience includes serving as a Registered Behavior Technician at Kadiant, where I provided direct 1:1 client services based on individualized behavior plans. I also worked as an assistant studio store clerk at Pixar Animation Studios, delivering customer service to guests.

What was the Public Relations (PR) campaign you're working on about?

This PR Campaign was for the 27th Annual United States of Asian America Festival (USAAF), a two-month showcase from April 25 to June 23 in San Francisco. The PR strategy focused on local San Francisco/Bay Area press, AAPI/Filipinx media outlets, and arts & culture event features. The campaign goal was to drive ticket sales and highlight the rich cultural contributions and diversity of San Francisco’s Pacific Islander and Asian American communities. 

What goals did you hope to accomplish through this PR campaign?

I was looking to get into PR and marketing because I was interested in working in a position that offered numerous opportunities to make efficient and impactful decisions for the overall organization. Although Public Relations was my major in college, I realized that my academic experience was heavily focused on theoretical knowledge and case studies. I didn't have the chance to fully immerse myself in the practical aspects of the role, such as executing real PR campaigns, managing media relations, or developing marketing strategies. 

Through this opportunity, I was eager to apply my educational background in a professional setting where I can contribute to and learn from actual projects and campaigns. 

I also hoped to enhance my communication skills and empathize with clients/artists in a positive way. Although my work experience is limited, I wanted to gain hands-on experience and work towards my professional development. 

How has the experience of pitching and working with the media to amplify and document the stories in your PR campaign been like so far?

It has been such a great experience as I was able to learn and gain hands-on experiences. Although this was my first PR Campaign, I have gained so much information that will help me in the long-run. When pitching, I noticed that many publishers/writers would open up my email and not respond, but instead of taking that negatively, I would say it's a win considering they at least took the time to open it and hopefully read it. I’ve had some great coverage that brought to life the events of the artists. 

Through this role, aside from pitching and working with the media, I also learned the analytics and data management that goes behind a campaign. I’ve dealt with successes and obstacles, but will use both as learning lessons to improve for next time. In less than 5 months, I was able to see what goes on behind the scenes of every event/campaign and it is truly an amazing opportunity especially for someone like me who has a degree within the field but no experience with it. 

It was great to see how everything we did to make the festival happen came to life at the end. The culmination of our hard work and dedication was evident in every aspect of the festival. Everyone did an incredible job showcasing the talents of each artist, creating an environment that truly celebrated creativity and artistry. The festival not only provided a platform for these artists to shine but also brought our team closer together. 

What are a few things you know now about PR that you didn't know before you started?

There are a few key things I've gained. These insights have deepened my appreciation for the field and reinforced my desire to pursue a career in PR, where I can apply these lessons and continue to learn and grow.

  1. Building and maintaining strong relationships with media contacts is crucial. These relationships are foundational for securing media coverage as well as longevity for future press.

  2. During this campaign we experienced a negative review, and learned about crisis communications, which requires quick thinking, transparency, and a well-prepared plan. I learned that you have to lay out the pros and cons before doing anything because it will determine if those actions make the situation better or worse. 

  3. Social media is ALWAYS changing and it is a powerful tool for engaging with audiences in real-time, monitoring public sentiment, and quickly addressing issues. The digital landscape requires PR strategies to be more dynamic and responsive. One thing we can utilize for next time is boosting our social media posts to get more engagement. 

  4. Evaluating metrics such as media coverage, audience engagement, and sentiment analysis is essential for understanding the impact of PR efforts and for continuous improvement.

What other projects are you working on that we should have on our radar?

As of now, I am uncertain about the specific projects I will be involved in next. This role has provided an incredible opportunity for growth and learning, and I am truly grateful for the support and appreciation I've received from everyone on the team. The collaborative environment has allowed me to develop my skills and gain valuable insights into the industry. I would also encourage everyone to follow APICC on IG and subscribe to their newsletter for updates on next year’s festival opportunities!