Artnelson Concordia



Artnelson Concordia has been an educator for over 20 years in California public schools with a significant part of his career in San Francisco Unified School District. He is currently an Ethnic Studies Coordinator at Santa Barbara Unified School District and pursuing his Doctorate in Education at UCLA.
Photo Credit: MarKing Photography

Artnelson was born and raised in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. The son of working-class, Filipino immigrants, he earned a BA in Political Science and History at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has served 23 years as a public school educator and was a founding teacher of the SFUSD Ethnic Studies program which was the focus of a 2014 Stanford study that highlighted the academic benefits of the district’s 9th-grade ethnic studies course. Currently, he coordinates Santa Barbara Unified School District's (SBUSD) ethnic studies program. Artnelson is the father of four brown boys and is in cahoots with his wife to raise them to have deep knowledge & love of self/community, as well as to be active disrupters of the white supremacist, patriarchal, hetero-normative, imperialist hegemony. He and his family have the great privilege to live on Unceded Chumash Territory.


Convergence Magazine - “Fight for Ethnic Studies Moves to K-12 Classrooms

Journal of Asian American Studies - “Ethnic Studies as Social Movement: Resistance in the Face of Public Reaction”

AAPI Nexus - “Policy isn’t Enough: Learning from Ethnic Studies K-12 Teachers”

EdSurge - “This District Tapped Students’ Histories to Create an Ethnic Studies Curriculum”

Rethinking Ethnic Studies, 2019 - “We Don't Want to Just Study the World, We Want to Change It”

Speaking topics include:

Ethnic Studies Secondary (Junior High/High School) Curriculum Development

Institutionalization of Ethnic Studies in K-12

Teacher Organizing

Presented by UC Berkeley’s The American Cultures Center - “How can districts and schools successfully implement Ethnic Studies courses?”

LLAG Radio guest for season 4 is Artnelson Concordia, an Ethnic Studies Practitioner and a founding member of the SF and Santa Barbara USD Ethnic Studies program. He's also a member of the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium (LESMCC), a coalition of Ethnic Studies teachers, teacher union activists, and curriculum developers who have been part of this field for many years.

Teacher resource, featuring Cynthia Bonta and Artnelson Concordia.

Santa Barbara Unified show off importance of Ethnic Studies.

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