Public Relations for The People
The PapaLoDown Agency is a boutique public relations company specializing in businesses and organizations rooted in social justice, liberation, and Land Back movements. Through publicity and brand awareness campaigns, The PapaLoDown team amplifies the unique stories behind each project; which in turn creates buzz, increases conversion rates for grants, attracts paid opportunities; and builds lasting relationships in the communities our clients serve. The company’s well-rounded background in retail/fashion, entertainment, the arts, food/beverage, education and youth empowerment, provides clients with over 30 years of experience and a diverse network of resources. The PapaloDown Agency was founded by Paloma B. Concordia in 2009, with offices in San Francisco and Southern California.
Our clients have been featured in…
Client Ashara Ekundayo shares her story on developing ‘Artist As First Responder’; a six-point philanthropic and interactive arts platform that acknowledges, engages, and financially supports Black, Indigenous, and other Artists of Color whose creative practices heal communities and save lives. Published in the Smithsonian Folklife Magazine.